Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Know Thy Neighbor

Watch an old movie, or listen to stories about when your grandparents and parents were growing up. Chances are there are scenes involving family togetherness, a walk down the block, a front porch, and greeting the neighbors by name. Those were the good old days. Life was simpler and moved at a slower pace.

This is Simplify Your Life Week, and today we focus on creating neighborhood connections reminiscent of a simpler time. Today is National Night Out, or as many communities in the Twin Cities have chosen to call it, Night to Unite. It’s a night to band together with neighbors and focus on building stronger communities.

Knowing your neighbors is the basis of a strong and safe neighborhood. And, having neighbors you can depend on can definitely make your life easier. You never know when you really will need to borrow that cup of sugar for real, or in an emergency need to ask a neighbor to watch your dog (or kids!) or water your plants…or make sure your house is still standing after a storm when you are out of town.

My best friend has cultivated an amazing relationship with the family that lives across the street from her. They have a son and daughter the same age as hers. They often share cooking responsibilities- each making something to contribute to a meal that both families eat together. One year they shared a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share together; they carpool together. They rely on one another for last minute babysitting (even overnights) and know in any emergency their kids have safe and trustworthy adults they can rely on. They are the best example I’ve ever seen of how knowing your neighbors can make life simpler (and more fun!!).

I moved into a neighborhood with a good number of original owners that all know one another. Meeting one of these women led to an invitation to a neighborhood girls’ night out, where I met several other women in the neighborhood. This also led to our involvement in a progressive dinner with five other couples. Knowing my neighbors provides me a sense of security, belonging and attachment. I really do sit on the front porch and greet many of the walkers-by by name (and their dogs!).

If your neighborhood has a National Night Out event planned for tonight, I encourage you to attend. If such an event is not planned, get out there to meet your neighbors anyway and plan an event for next year. Get to know your neighbors - you never know when you’ll need them. And when they need you, I hope you’ll return the favor.

Until next time…

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