Monday, August 2, 2010

Simplify Your Life Week: Getting Back to Basics

Life is complicated, and with the advent of each new technological gadget, we are led to believe we can cram more and more into each 24 hours. I think it’s time to get back to basics. To me, this means going back to a simpler time. Think pre-internet.Maybe some of you really did take time yesterday as suggested to reflect and think about your values, and whether or not your life exemplifies those values. Following are some tips for slowing down, and maybe they will even tie in to things you value- like your family, or at least your sanity. Pick one suggestion, pick them all, do one just once a month. Or, carry out just one suggestion this week in honor of Simplify Your Life Week. If you like what you try…implement it on a permanent basis.
  • Put more emphasis on personal communication. When you pass a co-worker in the hall and ask how they are, actually wait for their answer and respond to it. Pick up the phone and chat with a friend you haven’t had time to connect with lately. Use the phone rather than email to schedule appointments, play dates, dinner dates, and to personally RSVP for your invitations. This is a much more personal way of communicating and will help you feel more in tune with yourself and those around you. It takes some time, but allows you to slow down and focus a little more on one task at a time.
  • Slow down. Quit multitasking with everything you do. When making your phone calls, focus on those and those only. People deserve your full attention, as you deserve theirs. While you are driving, focus on driving, not on your phone, putting on make-up or eating a rushed breakfast on the way to work. When you are spending time with your kids, don’t worry about the dishes or the laundry, but give them your undivided attention. They will remember that most, not if the dishes got done before they went to bed.
  • Eat meals at home and as a family. Whether this means eating with a roommate, a spouse, or the whole family. Plan the menu together, and cook together. Turn off the T.V. and spend some quality time together. Put your focus on the people you are with rather than rushing through dinner to get to the next thing. Make dinner a fun family activity and not a chore.
  • Allow yourself to say NO. Limit activities and commitments to what you can reasonably handle and give focus to. Again, nobody wants just half your attention. If you cannot give up the commitments, Render Lifestyle Management can help you with the errands!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember hearing about relying on neighbors for help and a cup of sugar? If you need help, ask. Whether from friends or professionals, it is NOT a sign of weakness to ask for help. Nobody is good at everything. Render Lifestyle Management specializes in providing help to busy people like yourself.
  • Finally, unplug. Spend less time online, listening to an iPod, playing Wii, and checking email. Maybe you make Sunday a day for family and rest. Maybe you make a household rule to unplug after a certain time each night. Allow yourself time to be calm. Use this as time to gather your thoughts for the next day, get your lists together, get things done around the house, read, or play with your kids.
Today, think about the values you identified yesterday, and think about ways you can refocus on those values and slow down just a little bit. The laundry can wait a day.

Until next time…

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